ISMFR or International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research is an biannual international event held by Department of Fisheries UGM. In 2019, Department of Fisheries UGM held the 3rd international Symposium inviting keynote speakers from South Korea, China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Canada. In this year, all BFPT lecture and some student are presented their latest research in this symposium.
Asst. Prof. Kanokrat Limpisophon, Ph.D. is a lecturer from the Department of Food Science and Technology, Kasetsart University, Thailand. She was invited as a keynote speaker in The 3rd International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research held on 8-9 July 2019. She had a long experience in connecting with the fishery industries to utilize their waste. She delivered her interesting talk on the theme of Utilization of fish industry byproducts: a link for implementing research into industrial application. On this occasion, she had an opportunity to visit BFPT and discussed the opportunity for future collaboration.
Dusun Ngentak di Desa Poncosari, Srandakan terletak pada posisi strategis karena terletak di dalam area pariwisata Pantai Baru yang memiliki keunggulan diantaranya pantai yang bersih dan teduh, serta adanya ekowisata berbasis pendidikan seperti konservasi tukik, perikanan (tambak udang) dan peternakan, dan energi terbarukan. Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) ”Ulam Arum Sari” di dusun Ngentak terdiri dari 40 wanita istri nelayan dan pembudidaya ikan dengan kegiatan utama mengolah dan memasarkan hasil perikanan berupa masakan kuliner serta produk olahan hasil perikanan sebagai oleh-oleh. Tim Pengabdian Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian UGM melakukan kegiatan pemberdayaan dan pendampingan untuk anggota KUB Ulam Arum Sari guna meningkatkan keterampilan dalam diversifikasi olahan udang hasil budidaya yang tidak terserap pasar (by product) atau tidak memenuhi kriteria bahan baku udang (rejected) di pasaran. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2015 dengan program pendampingan berupa sosialisasi, penerapan teknologi tepat guna dalam produksi aneka olahan udang, perbaikan kemasan dan pelabelan, inisiasi strategi pemasaran dan promosi, pelatihan analisis usaha secara sederhana, permainan untuk meningkatkan motivasi kelompok, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Pembinaan keterampilan dalam pengetahuan diversifikasi produk olahan udang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di kelompok sasaran pada khususnya dan pada akhirnya mampu menggerakkan roda perekonomian Dusun Ngentak, Poncosari menjadi lebih baik.
In the context of continuous improvement and increasing competitiveness at the national and international levels, the Bachelor in Fishery Product Technology (BFPT) is preparing to apply for ASIIN international accreditation. ASIIN which stands for Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics or in Germany Die Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik, is a non-profit association engaged in education and was founded in July 1999. ASIIN provide expert support to German and international universities in the implementation of accreditation procedures at the study program and institutional level in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, computer science and medicine and economics. Until now, ASIIN has accredited 5382 study programs in 43 countries including Indonesia.
Dalam rangka perbaikan yang berkelanjutan (continuous improvement) dan peningkatan daya saing pada taingkat nasional maupun internasional, Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (Prodi THP) mempersiapkan diri untuk mengajukan akreditasi internasional ASIIN. ASIIN yang memiliki kepanjangan Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics atau dalam Bahasa Jerman Die Akkreditierungsagentur für tudiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik, aturwissenschaften und Mathematik, merupakan asosiasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan didirikan pada Juli 1999. ASIIN memberikan dukungan ahli kepada universitas Jerman dan internasional dalam pelaksanaan prosedur akreditasi di tingkat program studi dan institusi di bidang teknik, ilmu alam, matematika, ilmu komputer serta kedokteran dan ekonomi. Hingga saat ini, ASIIN telah mengakreditasi 5382 program studi di 43 Negara termasuk Indonesia.
Hi, my name is Dona and I’m currently in my last year here as a fisheries student at Gadjah Mada University. I was given the opportunity to go to Malaysia through the AIMS programme. I spent 5 months at Univesity Malaysia Terengganu as an exchange student, participating in ‘foreign’ campus life and ‘foreign’ daily life. Even just in Malaysia I really had some cultures shock, although we called Indonesia and Malyasia are ‘serumpun’ I still need time to adapt to the culture differences there. Terengganu is one of the Muslim state in Malaysia, so we start the week there in Sunday unlike in Indonesia here the first day of the week is Monday. At first I bewildered when my class sched is in Sunday at 7 a.m, thought it was a mistake but it turns out to be true.
That was a question asked to me in an interview held in early 2018. After going through a
document selection process, I got the chance to have an interview with Dr. Raya from the
Agricultural Extension Department, Faculty Agriculture UGM. For me, there is no waste in learning. I believe that even though I am from the Fisheries Department, I can get a lot of knowledge by being an exchange student at Ibaraki University.”
Long story short, I got the opportunity to be an exchange student at Ibaraki University, Japan for a
semester: starting from September 2018 to January 2019. The program I applied for was Asian
International Mobility for Students (AIMS). AIMS is a program for agricultural students to study
abroad and learn about the sustainability of agriculture. It involves Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia
Trengganu, University of The Philippines Los Banos, Kasetsart University, Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology and Ibaraki University.
ASEAN Fisheries Education Network (ASEAN-FEN) held the 8th International Fisheries Symposium (IFS2018) with the theme “Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for the benefits of Mankind” on November 18-21, 2018 at Hansa JB Hotel, Hatyai, Thailand. Five lecturers from Bachelor in Fish Product Technology Study Programs (BFPT) delivered their research findings at this international event. This annual scientific gathering brought opportunities for BFPT lecturers to disseminate their current research activities, exchange information, updating current topics of interest, and develop networking.
The collaboration between Bachelor of Fish Product Technology (BFPT) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and University of Otago New Zealand through CARED Program was carried out on 2015-2018 with the topic was “Women Empowerment through Sustainable Fisheries Products Development in Border Area of East Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia and Timor Leste”. CaRED (Community Resilience and Economic Development) program had been developed under the support of Partnership Arrangement (PA) between New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to contribute to sustainable development in Indonesia, including its human resources and capacity.