I’m Emi Windrayani, last year student of Bachelor in Fish Product Technology (BFPT), Gadjah Mada University. Being exchange student is one of my dreams and thank God it comes true. I remember that time when Dr. Sita offered AIMS program to all student at that class, and my friends supported me to join the program. After that, I tried to register AIMS and thank God on September 2019 until January 2020 I had opportunity to go to Malaysia. Before that, I will tell you about AIMS, AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility for Students) is a form of cooperation in the field of education (student exchange) by the Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia (DIKTI). This program provides opportunities for students to experience a learning atmosphere in various cultures from various countries. I went to University Malaysia Terengganu with Dona, Nisa and Evy.
Student activity
Hi, my name is Dona and I’m currently in my last year here as a fisheries student at Gadjah Mada University. I was given the opportunity to go to Malaysia through the AIMS programme. I spent 5 months at Univesity Malaysia Terengganu as an exchange student, participating in ‘foreign’ campus life and ‘foreign’ daily life. Even just in Malaysia I really had some cultures shock, although we called Indonesia and Malyasia are ‘serumpun’ I still need time to adapt to the culture differences there. Terengganu is one of the Muslim state in Malaysia, so we start the week there in Sunday unlike in Indonesia here the first day of the week is Monday. At first I bewildered when my class sched is in Sunday at 7 a.m, thought it was a mistake but it turns out to be true.
That was a question asked to me in an interview held in early 2018. After going through a
document selection process, I got the chance to have an interview with Dr. Raya from the
Agricultural Extension Department, Faculty Agriculture UGM. For me, there is no waste in learning. I believe that even though I am from the Fisheries Department, I can get a lot of knowledge by being an exchange student at Ibaraki University.”
Long story short, I got the opportunity to be an exchange student at Ibaraki University, Japan for a
semester: starting from September 2018 to January 2019. The program I applied for was Asian
International Mobility for Students (AIMS). AIMS is a program for agricultural students to study
abroad and learn about the sustainability of agriculture. It involves Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia
Trengganu, University of The Philippines Los Banos, Kasetsart University, Tokyo University of
Agriculture and Technology and Ibaraki University.