Sehubungan dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19, dan mengacu pada Surat Edaran Rektor No. 1606/UN1.P/HKL/TR/2020 tentang Tanggap Darurat Covid-19 di Lingkungan UGM, Prodi THP memutuskan untuk mengatur jumlah mahasiswa yang akan melaksanakan penelitian tugas akhir di Laboratorium. Bagi mahasiswa yang merencanakan untuk melakukan penelitian tugas akhir, dimohon dapat membuat surat permohonan disertai dengan rencana jadwal ditujukan pada Ketua Laboratorium terkait. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, mohon dapat menghubungi Ketua Laboratorium.
I’m Emi Windrayani, last year student of Bachelor in Fish Product Technology (BFPT), Gadjah Mada University. Being exchange student is one of my dreams and thank God it comes true. I remember that time when Dr. Sita offered AIMS program to all student at that class, and my friends supported me to join the program. After that, I tried to register AIMS and thank God on September 2019 until January 2020 I had opportunity to go to Malaysia. Before that, I will tell you about AIMS, AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility for Students) is a form of cooperation in the field of education (student exchange) by the Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia (DIKTI). This program provides opportunities for students to experience a learning atmosphere in various cultures from various countries. I went to University Malaysia Terengganu with Dona, Nisa and Evy.
Chitosan is known as an antibacterial agent. The effective surface area ratio of chitosan can be increased by modification into nanoparticles. Nano-chitosan can be prepared with several simple methods, i.e. precipitation, ionic gelation, or the polyelectrolyte complex method. This study compared these three methods in terms of the targeted product characteristics, i.e. stability of the average nanoparticle size as well as the colloidal dispersion, and the antibacterial characteristics. All three methods resulted in nanoparticle formation, but in the precipitation method significant zeta potential reduction was observed due to the presence of negative ions from the alkali that neutralized the chitosan amine group. The ionic gelation method yielded higher zeta potential and higher inhibition of bacterial growth than those yielded by the polyelectrolyte complex method. Ionic gelation and the polyelectrolyte complex method resulted in much better colloidal dispersion stability than the precipitation method, where a significant particle size increase was observed after one week of storage. This result indicates that both ionic gelation and the polyelectrolyte complex method can be used for forming nano-chitosan for the purpose of food preservation. However, for fishery products it is advisable to use the polyelectrolyte complex method because the TPP usually used in ionic gelation is not allowed to be applied to fish.
Increasing Chitinase Activity of Serratia marcescens PT-6 through Optimization of Medium Composition
Chitin hydrolysate is one of the value added product derived from shrimp shell waste. Production of chitin hydrolysate using biological process offers an environmental friendly method compared to chemical process. Serratia marcescens PT-6, a gram negative chitinolytic bacterium isolated from shrimp pond sediment, shows good activity in hydrolyzing chitin. This study aimed to improve the chitinase activity of S. marcescens PT-6 culture by optimizing the component of chitin-containing medium (additional nitrogen source, additional carbon source, and colloidal chitin). The optimization of chitinase by S. marcescens PT-6 culture was done using one variable at a time method. The sequence of the research were to optimize 1) the type of additional carbon source (glucose, lactose, sucrose, and starch), 2) the type of additional nitrogen source (yeast extract, peptone, ammonium sulphate, and ammonium chloride), 3) the concentration of colloidal chitin (0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; and 2.5%), and 4) the concentration of the additional carbon and nitrogen source. The culture of S. marcescens PT-6 was incubated in colloidal chitin medium at 30 oC and chitinase activity from culture supernatant was analyzed. The results showed that starch gave the highest chitinase activity compare to other carbon source, meanwhile yeast extract was chosen as the best nitrogen source among others. The combination of 1.5% colloidal chitin with 0.5% starch and 0.1% yeast extract in medium increased the chitinase activity of S. marcescens PT-6 to 0.021 U/ml. These results indicated that an appropriate medium composition could increase the chitinase activity produced by S. marcescens PT-6 culture.Keywords: chitinase, colloidal chitin, S. marcescens PT-6, starch, yeast extract
Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Mahasiswa tingkat Nasional TANIN#1 diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Peternakan Universitas Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat pada tanggal 11-14 November 2019. LKTI TANIN#1 bertema “Gerakan Inovasi Milenial dalam Pengembangan IPTEK serta Potensi Lokal untuk Menghadapi Generasi Indonesia Emas Tahun 2045”. Kompetisi terdiri dari 2 tahap dimulai dari seleksi full paper dan presentasi. Tahap presentasi diikuti oleh 15 finalis yang berasal dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Negri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negri Surabaya, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Mataram, Universitas Islam Arsyad Al Banjari, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Telkom University, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, dan Universitas Sriwijaya.
An UGM team consist of three student, Ragil Puspita Megaranu (Fish Product Technology 2017), Muhammad Zainurrohim (Animal Husbandry 2017) and Rafelinta Daradwinta (Biology 2017) won 1st place in TANIN #1. The TANIN # 1 National Student Scientific Writing Competition was held by the Student Association of the Animal Husbandry Study Program, Mataram University, West Nusa Tenggara on November 11-14 2019 with the theme “Millennial Innovation Movement in Science and Technology Development and Local Potential to Face the Indonesian Generation. Gold of 2045 “. The competition consists of 2 stages starting from full paper selection and presentation. The presentation stage was attended by 15 finalists from Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, Yogyakarta State University, Surabaya State University, Lambung Mangkurat University, Mataram University, Arsyad Al Banjari Islamic University, Ahmad Dahlan University, Telkom University, Ganesha Education University, and University Sriwijaya.
8 Lectures of Bachelor in Fish Product Technology Study Programs (BFPT) participated on the 9th International Fisheries Symposiums organized by University Putra Malaysia at Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Annual International Fisheries Symposium is an annual academic symposium which provides the attendees with the opportunity to gain insights into topics such as Nutrition and Feed, Aquatic Animal Health, Information technology and Engineering, Genetics and Biotechnology, Fisheries Biology and Resource Management, Postharvest, Fish Products and Food Safety, Brood stock culture, and hatchery management, Algae and Aquatic Plants, etc. As the member of ASEAN FEN (ASEAN Fisheries Educational Network), Department of Fisheries actively involved on IFS. The symposium was held for 2 days on November 18 – 21, 2019. All participants were present their latest research achievement.
UPI Sari Mina is an intermediate level fish processing unit located in Sempu, Pakembinangun village, Pakem district, Sleman Yogyakarta. UPI Sari Mina is a joint venture group of women residents in Sempu who has been engaged in processing shredded fish since 2009. The main product of UPI Sari Mina is shredded fish made from catfish, tuna and salmon mixed with lemadang. Every month, UPI Sari Mina processes about 4 quintals of catfish, 8 quintals of tuna, and 60 kg of salmon to be used as a variety of floss. The problem faced by the processing group was production waste in the form of untapped skin, bones and heads. For this reason, the Service Team for the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program carried out a service program in the form of technology transfer and training in bone and fish skin waste processing in October-November 2019.
Department of Fisheries held a 56th anniversary on September 1st 2019 by organized an event for Department member including lecturer, staff and students. Starts with walked around the campus, the event continued with door prized draw and lunch with all fish menu.
As an annual event, this year on 22-23 August 2019, Department of Fisheries again Kenal Perikanan (introducing fisheries sector to new students) by visited Pekalongan City in Central Java. Students were introduced to brackish water aquaculture (shrimp commodity), fisheries home industries (nugget, otak-otak etc.), fish canning industry and fisheries auction spot at Pekalongan fishery port.