Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas dosen, Prodi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan mengadakan pelatihan terkait food safety system certification 22000 bagi 5 orang dosen. Dalam kegiatan ini, Prodi THP mendatangkan pembicara dari SGS, sebuah organisasi internasional yang membidangi manajemen mutu termasuk sertifikasi. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama 5 hari dan dirasa telah dapat meningkatkan kapasitas diri dosen untuk mendukung pendidikan berkualitas pada prodi THP.
Masagus Muhammad Prima Putra, Muhammad Yaafi’ Al-Hammam, Achmad Hanif Mardinsyah and Indun Dewi Puspita
Fish fermented products are popular products among the coastal community in Indonesia. Generally, the products are naturally produced with the addition of salt without any selection of the bacterial community. This situation resulted in a variety in the quality of the final products.One strategy to overcome this problem is by adding a potential lactic acid (LAB), a good bacterium, tothe fermentation process. We have conducted a screening of LAB from several local Indonesian fermented fish products,includingPakasamand Wadi. As many as 28 isolates were successfully obtained from the first step of screening, which was characterized as LAB by Gram stain and catalase activity. The second screening was done to screen a LAB that possessed antibacterial activity against common contaminant bacteria,namely Staphylococcus aureusATCC 6538, Salmonellasp. 230C, Escherichia coli563 B, Citrobacter freundiiCK1, Klebsiellasp. CK2, and Morganella morganiiTK7. Among those 28 isolates, we selected one isolate with the highest antibacterial activity and successfully identified molecularly as Weisellasp. GMP 12. Further isolation of antibacterial substances targetingbacteriocin showed a good inhibition to Staphylococcus aureusATCC 6538 with 3694 AU (Activity Unit), Salmonellasp. 230C with 2254 AU, Citrobacter freundiiCK1 with 3166 AU but not toE. coli563B. This finding concluded that Weisellasp. GMP12 could be a potential candidate as a starter to be used in the fermented fish products to enhance its quality.
Keyword: Antibacterial activity, Bacteriocin, contaminant bacteria, Pakasam, wadi
Khulna University Studies Volume 20(2): 131-139: 2023
- Wednes Aria Yuda, S.TP. (CoFounder + CTO Cokelat nDalem)
- Meika Hasim, SE., MBA (Founder + CEO Cokelat nDalem)
- Prof. Nurul Huda (Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS))
- Falasifah, S.Si. (PT Alga Bioteknologi/Albitec)
- Dr. Lotta Kuuliala (Research Explorer – Universiteit Gent)
- Dr. Eng. Manirafasha Emmanuel (Xiamen Canco Biotech Co., Ltd., Xiamen RRT)
- Arif Rahmandita, S.Pi., M.Sc. (konsultan industri pangan)
Dalam kuliah tamu yang diselenggaran tersebut, seluruh mahasiswa tampak antusias dalam memperhatikan dan berdiskusi. Diharapkan dengan adanya kuliah tamu tersebut, mahasiswa maupun dosen dapat memperoleh insight baru terkait industri maupun juga ilmu dan teknologi dari luar negeri.
Dalam kunjungan ke Thailand, tim dosen juga berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi Fakultas Perikanan, Kasetsart University. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, tim dosen berdiskusi dengan Assistant Professor Wanwimol Klaypradit terkait dengan penelitian terkini yang dilaksanakan di Kasetsart serta peluang kerja sama seperti pengiriman mahasiswa pertukaran pelajar maupun studi lanjut.
Pada Seminar tersebut, diselenggarakan juga rapat kerja Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI) yang agendanya adalah pelantikan pengurus pusat dan juga koordinator wilayah. Dari Prodi THP, tiga orang dosen bergabung sebagai pengurus yaitu Dr. Latif Sahubawa dan Mgs. Muhammad Prima Putra, Ph.D. sebagai pengurus pusat dan Prof. Dr. Amir Husni sebagai koordinator wilayah DIY.
At the seminar, there was also an inauguration ceremony for the management of the Indonesian fisheries product processing community or Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI). From FPT-SP, Prof. Amir Husni, Dr. Latif Sahubawa and Mgs. Muhammad Prima Putra, Ph.D. are joining as the organization Committee from 2023-2028.
There is concern regarding the use of synthetic antioxidants which spurred the yearly increase of natural antioxidants to substitute synthetic ones. Fish protein hydrolysate (FPH), which has been reported to have potent antioxidant properties, could be utilized to solve this problem. This study aimed to utilize the by-product of snakehead fish (head) and determine the optimum hydrolysis conditions to obtain FPH with antioxidant activity. Two parameters were tested during the hydrolysis process: enzyme concentration (papain enzyme) and hydrolysis time. The optimum condition was evaluated by measuring dissolved protein, hydrolysis degree (DH), and antioxidant activity, including DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP. The optimal hydrolysis conditions were 5% enzyme concentration and 6 h of hydrolysis time at 55°C and pH 7.0. The DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP antioxidant activities were 50.70%, 66.67%, and 1.35 M Tr/mg, respectively. Based on the antioxidant activity, Snakehead fish head has the potential as a source of natural antioxidants.
N‐acetylglucosamine (NAG) is the monomer product of chitin, which has been widely used as a bioactive com‐ pound in applications such as anti‐tumor, anti‐microbial, and antioxidant activities. In production, biological processes using enzymes are preferable to chemicals due to environmental issues. This study aims to determine the activity, purity level, and molecular weight of purified chitinase from Micromonospora sp. AR17 determines the concentration of NAG produced by purified chitinase that has been characterized. Chitinase was produced by fermentation in colloidal chitin broth at 40 °C, pH 7, for 7 days, while chitinase activity was checked every 24 h. The optimal fermentation time was used to produce chitinase for a further purification step. Enzyme purification was carried out by ultrafiltration, ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography (Q Sepharose Fast Flow), and gel filtration (Sephacryl S‐300). The purified enzyme was then char‐ acterized for optimum time, pH, and temperature to produce NAG. The results suggested that the fourth day was the optimal time for chitinase production, with chitinase activity of 0.0040 U/mL and a NAG concentration of 7.62 µg/mL. The purifica‐ tion step successfully increased the purity by 6.82 times with chitinase‐specific activity at 1.4648 U/mg. Production of NAG with purified chitinase produced a NAG concentration of 32.472 µg/mL with an incubation time of 30 min at 40 °C and pH 7.
Keywords: Chitinase; Micromonospora sp. AR17; N‐acetylglucosamine; Purification
Dalam kuliah ini, praktisi yang diundang memberikan penjelasan teori terkait praktik sanitasi dan higienen yang dilaksanakan di perhotelan. Selain secara teori, dilaksanakan juga praktik lapang yang bekerja sama dengan UC hotel dan Wisma MM UGM yang merupakan hotel bintang 3 di lingkungan UGM. Di akhir kegiatan, seluruh mahasiswa mempresentasikan temuan yang ada dilapangan serta memberikan solusi jika ditemukan ketidak sesuaian dalam penerapan sanitasi dan higiene tersebut.
Dalam pidatonya, Prof. Amir menjelaskan terkait potensi rumput laut terutama rumput laut coklat untuk dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pangan fungsional. Hadir dalam pidato tersebut beberapa tamu penting antara lain Ketua Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Prof. Nurjanah, Direktur Pengembangan Standar Agro, Kimia, Kesehatan dan Halal, Badan Standarisasi Nasional, Heru Suseno, S.Pi., M.T., pejabat struktural di lingkungan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, pejabat struktural dilingkungan Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi DIY dan Kabupaten Kulonprogo, serta tamu lain dari berbagai Universitas dan lembaga.
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