I’m Emi Windrayani, last year student of Bachelor in Fish Product Technology (BFPT), Gadjah Mada University. Being exchange student is one of my dreams and thank God it comes true. I remember that time when Dr. Sita offered AIMS program to all student at that class, and my friends supported me to join the program. After that, I tried to register AIMS and thank God on September 2019 until January 2020 I had opportunity to go to Malaysia. Before that, I will tell you about AIMS, AIMS (ASEAN International Mobility for Students) is a form of cooperation in the field of education (student exchange) by the Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia (DIKTI). This program provides opportunities for students to experience a learning atmosphere in various cultures from various countries. I went to University Malaysia Terengganu with Dona, Nisa and Evy.
It was my first time went abroad, and yes I had some culture shock. I think it’s easy to Indonesian people to adaptation because we had the same language (Melayu) and the food wasn’t too different from Indonesia, maybe because we called Malaysia and Indonesia are ‘serumpun’. Beside that I liked to stay at UMT because it campus near the beach, just walk for 5 minute and I could saw the ocean *sometime I watched sunset with my friend.
The AIMS program at UMT has several activities, such as academic and non-academic activities. The courses offered at UMT were generally in fisheries, so it’s more suitable to take with Aquaculture and Aquatic Resource Management students, although im a Fish Product Technology student but that’s okay no problem hehe. Some of the courses that I have taken are,
- Project Planning and Design (4 credits)
- Aquatic Resources Exploitation Technique II (3 credits)
- Scientific Writing in Fisheries (3 credits)
- Economic Aquaculture (3 credits)
One of the experiences that I will never forget was go to Bidong Island which is use for UMT Marine Research Station. We were stayed at Bidong for 3 day, the main activity was catching fish in the sea using fishing gear handmade during the practice. This picture was taken by me before I had seasick *omg I am very embarrassed.
I had another experience going to a beautiful island, I went to Chagar Hutang and Redang Island that held by Buddies Club under International Center of UMT. At Chagar Hutang, we carried out activities to conserve turtles, namely by helping to protect the turtle nesting sites and helping difficult hatchlings to get out of the nest. This island is very well guarded because it is used as a turtle conservation area. We were also seeing the beauty of the sea by snorkeling and feeding the turtles directly. From this picture, you can see how happy we were at that time J
Buddies club held another event for international students, namely a Malaysian Cultural Night. The activity aims to strengthen the relationship between international students and Buddy. This event was attended by all international students and lecturers at University Malaysia Terengganu. The purpose of this event is to introduce cultures from various countries, as well as introduce Malaysian culture to the outside community. Me and Dona are chosen to be part of the international students representative to get on the stage and receive friendship candles. This event also provides opportunities for international students to present the culture according to their country. At this event Indonesia received an awardee as the best international costume. (Me two from the right)
There are many more interesting experiences that I want to share, but because of the limitations of my words, I have ended this story here. Thank you all J