In the context of continuous improvement and increasing competitiveness at the national and international levels, the Bachelor in Fishery Product Technology (BFPT) is preparing to apply for ASIIN international accreditation. ASIIN which stands for Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics or in Germany Die Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik, is a non-profit association engaged in education and was founded in July 1999. ASIIN provide expert support to German and international universities in the implementation of accreditation procedures at the study program and institutional level in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, computer science and medicine and economics. Until now, ASIIN has accredited 5382 study programs in 43 countries including Indonesia.
The series of preparation processes for ASIIN accreditation began in early 2019 by making a commitment with UGM that the THP Study Program together with 4 other study programs at the Faculty of Agriculture would apply for accreditation. All preparations are carried out starting with document preparation (Self-Assessment Report / SAR) as required by ASIIN as well as preparation of other supporting factors such as availability and completeness of documents, facilities and infrastructure as well as other supporting data.