Prodi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan pada penghujung tahun 2022 sangat berbahagia dengan bertambahnya 1 orang guru besar yaitu Prof. Dr.Sc. Amir Husni, S.Pi., M.P. Dengan bertambahnya 1 orang guru besar ini, Prodi THP memiliki 2 orang guru besar. Atas nama Prodi, mengucapkan selamat dan sukses kepada Prof. Dr.Sc. Amir Husni, S.Pi., M.P. semoga semakin meningkatkan peran dalam dunia pengolahan hasil perikanan.
Antioxidant, antidiabetic activities and consumer acceptance of Sargassum hystrix tea combined with cinnamon powder
Setiyawan, A. and Husni, A.
Sargassum hystrix is a species of brown seaweed containing bioactive compounds and has the potential to be used as a functional drink. This study was aimed to determine the fucoidan content, antioxidant, antidiabetic activities, and consumer acceptance rate of combining cinnamon powder to manufacture S. hystrix seaweed tea. The process was carried out by washing, drying, cutting, blending, weighing, roasting, and packaging the seaweed. Furthermore, the seaweed was tested to determine the total phenolic content, antioxidant (scavenging of hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion), antidiabetic (inhibition of α-glucosidase and α-amylase) activities and sensory evaluation. The results showed that the addition of cinnamon powder affected the total phenol content, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities, and consumer acceptance of S. hystrix tea. Meanwhile, an increase in the amount (0 ~ 5%) of cinnamon powder reduced levels of antioxidants (46.90±0.92 to 39.53±0.11% for hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, and 82.00±1.19 to 73.56±1.23% for superoxide anion scavenging activity), with a rise in antidiabetic activity (22.27±1.74 to 83.98±2.37% for inhibition activity of α-glucosidase and 72.94±1.55 to 95.83±1.06% for inhibition activity of α-amylase). In addition, the use of 5% and 2% cinnamon powder has the ability to overcome the fishy smell and taste, respectively.
The impact of immersion time in lime solution on antioxidant and antidiabetic properties and consumer evaluation of Sargassum hystrix seaweed tea
Damayanti Rahmatika Pratiwi, Amir Husni
Abstract. Sargassum hystrix is a brown seaweed that contains bioactive substances, such as antioxidant
and antidiabetic compounds, and is used as a functional ingredient in the food industry. They are mostly
found in Indonesian waters, growing along rocky shorelines. Since the beverages extracted from seaweed
are found to be less preferred by consumers due to the fishy smell, efforts are needed to curtail this problem. Based on this condition, the lime solution immersion method is observed as a suitable approach to reduce the pungent smell. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of the immersion time of the lime solution on antioxidant and antidiabetic properties, as well as on consumers’ preference for S. hystrix tea. In this research, the variation of seaweed immersion time at 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 min, was used in a lime solution of pH 5 at 85°C. Multiple analyses were further carried out on the beverage, including moisture and total phenol content, hedonic teat, and antioxidant property, such as inhibitions of DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), FRAP (ferric reduction antioxidant power), and α-glucosidase. The results indicated that the immersion time had no effect (p > 0.05) on the water content, although it significantly affected total phenol levels, antioxidant, and antidiabetic activities, as well as the consumer preference for S. hystrix tea (p < 0.05). The best quality was obtained at 16 min, which indicated water and total phenol contents at 3.10 ± 0.33% and 76.81±0.23 mg GAE g-1, with DPPH, FRAP, and α-glucosidase inhibitionactivities at 53.86±1.27%, 121.82±0.91 µM g-1 , and 52.86±0.89%, respectively. It also showed consumer evaluations for appearance, color, flavor, taste, and overall quality, at 4.39±0.91, 4.33±0.78, 4.08±1.23, 4.25±1.08, and 4.26+0.13, respectively. Furthermore, immersion time in lime solution improved the quality and consumer evaluation of S. hystrix tea.
Key Words: Bioactive, brown seaweed, consumer preference, fishy smell, functional food.
Penantian panjang setelah visitasi ASIIN akhirnya terjawab. Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa Program Sarjana Prodi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (THP), Departemen Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian UGM mendapatkan akreditasi ASIIN selama 5 tahun penuh. Dengan keberhasilan akreditasi program, ASIIN menegaskan bahwa sebuah program studi memenuhi standar kualitas tinggi.
Terima kasih dan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kami ucapkan pada semua pihak yang mendukung proses akreditasi ini: Rektorat, Kantor Jaminan Mutu, Dekan dan Wakil Dekan Fakultas Pertanian, Ketua Departemen Perikanan, Tim Task Force, seluruh Dosen, Tenaga Pendidik, Mahasiswa, Alumni, dan Pengguna Alumni. Ini baru permulaan, mari kita bangun Prodi THP yang lebih baik. Jaya THP UGM!!
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