UPI Sari Mina is an intermediate level fish processing unit located in Sempu, Pakembinangun village, Pakem district, Sleman Yogyakarta. UPI Sari Mina is a joint venture group of women residents in Sempu who has been engaged in processing shredded fish since 2009. The main product of UPI Sari Mina is shredded fish made from catfish, tuna and salmon mixed with lemadang. Every month, UPI Sari Mina processes about 4 quintals of catfish, 8 quintals of tuna, and 60 kg of salmon to be used as a variety of floss. The problem faced by the processing group was production waste in the form of untapped skin, bones and heads. For this reason, the Service Team for the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program carried out a service program in the form of technology transfer and training in bone and fish skin waste processing in October-November 2019.
The purpose of this activity is to increase public knowledge and understanding of zero waste-based fishery product processing, as well as improve community skills in processing shredded fish production waste into value-added products. The training material presented in this activity includes prospects and quality attributes of zero waste based processing; sanitation and hygiene; group-based business motivation; business analysis; marketing and promotion strategies; packaging and labeling; and utilization of fishery product waste. In addition, the participants were given the skills to utilize the waste from shredded processing in the form of bones, skin and offal. Bone waste is used to become bone meal. Meanwhile, skin waste is used to become skin crackers, and offal and head waste is used to make fish sauce. Furthermore, participants were also given training to make various preparations made from bone meal, such as eggroll and macaroni, as well as semi-wet products in the form of sponge cakes. The benefits of this activity are expected to increase the knowledge and skills of the community in managing fishery product processing waste and processing it into added value products.