The team from Gadjah Mada University consisting of Ragil Puspita Megaranu (Fish Product Technology 2017), Wanny Firdasia (Biology 2017), and Rafelinta Daradwinta (Biology 2017) brought first winner on National Scientific Writing Competition for Students National Scientific Week (PIN 5th). The competition was held by Student Activity Unit for Research Lampung University on October 4, 2020 with the theme “The Role of Millennial Generation to Increase Global Potential and Competitiveness in Towards Golden Indonesia 2045”. The competition consists of 2 stages starting from full paper selection and submitting video presentations. The presentation stage was attended by 15 finalists from Riau University, Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Brawijaya University, Pamulang University, Immigration Polytechnic, North Sumatra State Islamic University, Lampung University, UPN Veteran Jakarta, Sebelas Maret University, Institute Technology Kalimantan, Indonesian Education University, Singaperbangsa Karawang University, and Gadjah Mada University.
Under the guidance of UGM Fisheries Lecturer Indun Dewi Puspita, SP, M.Sc., Ph. D., the team presented potential innovations for Grass Straw products: Environmentally Friendly Straw Innovations as a Form of Optimizing Wild Grass and Bone Waste Plants in Indonesia. The concept of innovation concerns the use of wild grass plants containing cellulose and fishbone gelatin to optimize abundant natural materials and available waste into value-added products in the form of environmentally friendly straws as an alternative solution to environmental problems caused by the high use of plastic straws by Indonesians.